
Sunday, July 18, 2004

Can We PLEASE Stop Talking About The Lakers? 

For the first time, I actually enjoyed listening to Steven A. Smith shout because he actually had some intelligent things to say about that whole situation.  Specifically that nobody believes that Kobe had nothing to do with Shaq/Phil leaving.  Sure, he wasn't the only reason, but he was the driving force behind it.  Shaq hates Kobe, Kobe loves Kobe first and everyone else second.  Nuff said.  At least I would think its enough said.  But this will keep on keeping on till something else takes its place in the headlines.  At least the Laker dominance is over for the time being.

In other news, sorry that I haven't been writing here much.  I'm just pretty focused on the Celtics offseason right now.

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